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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

my first entry

Hi everyone,

well, I'm writing this entry to (somehow) signal my joining as one of the authors of this blog ^^ hee-
anyway, honored to be able to be a part of COOL Destiny for the past 2+ years.
I believe we've come a long way and that the road ahead will be bittersweet :)
so let us not forget our goal: to preach the gospel throughout the nations.

i'll sign off with a simple verse

James 4:8a
"Draw close to God and God will draw close to you."

Gbu ^^

Monday, February 25, 2008

FA (Youth Group Fellowship) This Friday

Yo Teman2,

We're meeting this Friday 29 February 2008 at my place:

2200 Colorado Avenue Apt 317, Santa monica, CA

@ 7.30pm...

It'll be a Games night - no holds barred - so, come and join us! We'll come up with a theme by Mid-week. Please spread the word around and get your friends to have fun with us!


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Just for Laughs

hey guys! check this out! guaranteed to make you laugh ahahahha

you'll miss out a lot if you don't!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Is There a Catfish in Your Tank?

Hi all,
I just thought of sharing this, in hope it'd be a blessing for you :)

Is There a Catfish in Your Tank?

"Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you."

— 1 John 3:13

I heard a story about some fish suppliers who were
having problems shipping codfish from the East Coast.
By the time the fish reached the West coast, they were
spoiled. They froze them, but by the time the fish
arrived, they were mushy. They decided to send them
alive. But the fish arrived dead so they tried sending
the fish alive again, but with one difference. They
included a catfish in each tank. You see, the catfish
is the natural enemy of the codfish. By the time the
codfish arrived, they were alive and well, because
they had spent their trip fleeing the catfish.

This is my point. Maybe God has put a catfish in your
tank to keep you alive and well spiritually. It's
called persecution. Maybe there's a person at work who
always has eight hard questions for you every Monday
morning regarding spiritual things. Maybe it is that
neighbor who is giving you a hard time for your faith
in Jesus. Maybe it is a spouse or family member who
doesn't believe. You are wondering why this is
happening. It is like that catfish. That person is
keeping you on your toes.

Shortly before His crucifixion, Jesus told the
disciples, "If you were of the world, the world would
love its own. Yet because you are not of the world,
but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world
hates you" (John 15:19).

God will allow persecution in the life of the
believer. If you're experiencing persecution, here are
two things to remember:

1.Persecution confirms that you are a child of God.
2.Persecution causes you to cling closer to Jesus.

When you are suffering persecution for your faith,
remember that this world is not your home.

** quoted from Greg Laurie ministry

God bless you!


Hi guys! just wanna share a little quote that I took from a movie -

" A warrior acts but a fool reacts"

Do you know what is right, and do not react to circumstances!

Eg. Whenever you are provoked by somebody, do not react by returning him/her the "favor" but discipline yourself to keep your cool. This is not a sign of weakness or anything of the sort, but is an honorable act of doing what you know is right.

Afterall, Psalm 37:30 says "the mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue talks of justice". I believe all of us here are righteous people, Amen?

Have a blessed week ahead and God bless you all!


It's such a luxury to have a projector during our FA session this week. Take a look at the photos! They are worth it, if not for the minimal quality of my camera :p

Cool thing. So this is how it feels like, having a home theater.

Excuse us, Kenji :P Please make way for the projector.

Haha norak juga yaaa kaya ga pernah liat projector aja.. but it's fun to see something new in FA once in a while :) Thanks to Roy, Robin and Olivia for bringing the "sacred" suitcase (which gladly keeps the projector) over to Nova's place.

God bless everyone!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Selamat datang ke Blognya Destiny!!!! I hope that we can use this as a tool of communication, where bible verses, thoughts/opinions can be shared :) Keep reading!

Thank You!

Kudos to Eva who has made this blog! Thank you for taking your time to do it for our FA :)