dear all my lovely friends....
heyyy...aku mau sharring ayat ini...
Yohanes 14: 27-28
Damai sejahtera kutinggalkan bagimu. Damai sejahteraKu Kuberikan lepadamu, dan apa yang Kuberikan tidak seperti yang diberikan oleh dunia kepadamu. Jangalah gelisah dan gentar hatimu.
Roma 15: 13
Semoga Allah sumber pengharapan memenuhi kamu dengan segala sukacita dan damai sejahtera dalam iman kamu,supaya oleh kekuatan roh kudus kamu berlimpah-limpah dalam pengharapan.
plaire <3
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Damai Sejahtera
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Down the Via Dolorosa
He is the way the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father, except through Him. His death on the cross reconciled us to our Father in Heaven. Through this sacrifice, Jesus opens the path for us to Heaven, and redeems us from our sins and transgression.
I want to share this music video with you to remind you of Jesus, our best friend.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
When I say that I love you
Hey all, I would just like to share a song which is related to what Nova shared with us yesterday. It tells of God's love for us that He is willing to sacrifice His one and only Son to redeem us.
Hope you guys will listen to and reflect on this song :)
Franky Sihombing
You feel that you're lonely
It doesn’t prove that you are alone
You feel that nobody wants you
It doesn't mean that no one cares about you
Listen to the words I say
for I will always be by your side
You mean everything to Me
And I will never leave you
‘Cause I love you so
When I say that I love you
It means I give the best for you
When I say that I love you
I will give everything for you
No more fear about the future
and blame for the past
I'll give everything when I say that I love you
before Me you are something beautiful
you think that you can't do anything
but you can do a lot of things with Me
Listen to the words I say
for I will always be by your side
You mean everything to Me
and I will never leave you
‘Cause I love you so
I want you to know that I died for you
I want you to know that I'll give all my life for you
when I say that I love... say that I love you
Have an awesome and blessed week ahead :)
Friday, March 21, 2008
Wow friday!!!
Well, well...
how fast this week past...n todaeee uda FriDayy lagiii hihih.....aniwaeee
aku mau sharriinggg ayat tadi pagi punya..nii!!!
it will be in Matius 7: 7-11
this message is about pengabulan doa..this mornin when i was praying aku tu lagi doa mau minta something to my parent tapii i was scared mau bilangnya, jadi blom ngomnk2 to them from a week ago!! tadi pagi pas doa n sah teduhh aku dapett ayat ini!!!so sudden my pray uda di jawab dari ayat ini...
and felt lord talked a lot to me from this ayat..hehehe...
sedikit jayuzz nii sharing nya hehhee...
dibaca ya ayat nya...see you guys in Fa Tonite....
plaire <3
Monday, March 17, 2008
Monday Madness
Happy Monday guys, I know most of you will b busy today, just like a typical Monday morning, while me and my USC friends are having our spring break! YAY! anyway, aku mau encourage kalian untuk tetap dekat dengan Tuhan. Baca and renungkan Firman Tuhan, a.ka THE BIBLE, siang dan malam (that means at least twice a day and "you can do it before your meal prayer").
Blog Posts
Keep the blog posts coming yah :) All of you are doing a fantastic job at keeping up with the posts. Hey! You will benefit by reading Ririn, Nova, Eva, Robin's posts. Dan juga aku mau encourage kalian yang belum post any entry to do it... RIGHT AWAY! But make sure your posts are legit.
Wednesday Prayer
Bagi kalian yang bisa datang, hari Rabu ini (19 March) aku mau ajak kalian untuk doa bareng2 at about 8pm. Details will be released soon.
Kebaktian Youth
I know many, MANY of you have been waiting for this to happen, right? Yesterday, we got the green light to organize a youth service HERE IN WEST LA!!!!! on the 3rd of May or a week before that. We'll talk about this on Wednesday and Friday.
Counselling, Prayer Request, etc
Kalau kalian butuh dukungan doa, counselling, advice. Call me (Roy) or email me. I'm very available this week. And my prayer for all of you: that you keep Growing in CHRIST and be on FIRE, and serving Him with zeal and hunger.
Take care. * Please keep this post above the others.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
sunday mornin
hello everybody...
hey aku jg mau sharing lagu niii...lagu nya si biasa ja..but makna nya so cool!!hehehe...
wow...i just found out, kalo click di title nya yg "Sunday Mornin" bisa langsung denger lagunya muahahhaa....ini keren jg!!!hehhehe
thank you for ebitaaa....
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Sharing Lagu ♥
Hi guys!
Roy came across this beautiful song and he asked me to share it with you guys.. Well, since I can't seem to find a direct link to the mp3 to be included in our playlist, this is as far as I can go:
Hope this will be a blessing :)
God bless everyone.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Jesus cares
A few days ago, I did not have a very good day. Then, I was reminded of the things I learned about during FA on friday & while I was praying, I poured all my complaints + curhat to God. I wanted to complain to someone... but I thought.. my Father cares, so why not talk to Him. Of course I was hoping to hear the very voice of God -His comforting, gentle voice-...
He answered me in a different way. Suddenly this really, really old song just played in my mind. The song was Someone Cares by J.A.M. It was one of my favorite songs, even up till now. God is so cool, He can practically use any medium to speak to you, if only you are attentive enough. :)
and you know what.. out of all the beings He created in this world, He chooses to love you. How sweettttt rigghhttt!! hee-
"His watchful eyes knows every path you've made"
God bless you all.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Bowling this Friday
Konichiwa my peng you yang kekasih dalam Tuhan,
Buat Jumat ini kita bakal pergi bowling instead of having FA as usual...Most probably di Malibu tapi juga lagi cari tempat yang lebih deket ehehehe
But sebelum itu kita akan ada doa plus sharing(kalo ada waktu) di rumahnya nobu-san dan eva-san starting jam 6.30 sampe jam 730-, habis itu jam 730 kita cabut ke tempat bowlingnya attend the prayer juga ya!
By the way, Sabtu ini akan ada doa pengerja di DT, so do attend if you guys can make it hehehe
I'll keep you all updated on this Friday's event.
-God bless you all!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Reminder to Enjoy Life!
Last Friday, we shared a lot about "persevering", "not giving up", "trusting in God", believing there is a time for everything and God making all things beautiful in its time. So, let's put our trust in God, our pain, hope, future, worries in God's hands. Remember : if we rely on God, instead of our strength, He will make ways where there's none; He will walk with us through all the difficult times in our lives, and He will give us an everlasting joy that is better than the riches of this world (and its temporary satisfaction).
Taking the Next Step
Relying on God is not easy, but is not difficult to achieve too - it means praying, communicating/talking to God a lot. Treat God like your very own father, whom you can depend on for advices, answers to mind-boggling, heart-wrenching questions. Treat Him like a friend whom we can approach to sigh/curhat/complain and gossip. You will be amazed at God's responses. Not only will He do what is best for you, He shows you how to act on His answers - He takes your hands and walk you through them.
Ultimately, I'm telling you to enjoy your life:
Roy G
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Carry our cross
Hello everyone..
I was visiting the site Robin showed us a while ago and I came across this meaningful video that I'd like to share with all of you :)
Well, this video reminds me of God's desire for His children to hunger for Him more than anything else. More often than not, we tend to be embarrassed of our love for Jesus and that prevents us from giving our all to Him. But I hope this video has encouraged us to be like the 3 villagers who are willing to go the extra mile and take up their cross(es) along the journey. To carry one's cross means giving our "all" to God. It can mean sacrificing our pride, time and/or anything else that is currently number one on our lists (other than God, of course).
The journey is going to get tough, but it'll be worth it. Just like how the sincerity of the 3 villagers touches the pastor's heart, I believe God will also glorify our perseverance in following Him. So, let us carry our cross(es) and follow Jesus with joy :)
Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Hope you guys had fun!
Hey all...hope all of you had fun today at "Games Night" hehehe it's our first attempt so apologies for any glitches...
But the 1 thing that I hope all of you received today is this:
Tuhan tidak melihat apakah kamu hebat,
Tetapi cobalah lihat Allahmu dahsyat!
When God gives you new challenges, He doesn't require you to use your own strength to face them. He wants you to rely on Him to work His miracle. Amen!
That was the sole purpose of writing down the lyrics of the song "JAM" ensure that you all will learn something hehehe
ok then...see you next week! In the meanwhile, stay on fire for God!