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Thursday, April 17, 2008

imperfect gifts

Hello everybody!!
I hope kalian nda bosen ya always read my sharing muahaha!
Coz this sharing bakalan 2 pages loh huauhaa..jkjk
Last night, after finished kubu doa. aku jadi sedih banget pas inget about what my mom said.. I was just crying for 2 hours and what I got bukan something that could make me feel better yg ada malah questions marks and all (-) thoughts in my mind!! Why something that important for me was nothing for them?
Why all they work is more important than her daughter?
Why, Why and Why??is it stay here for just 1 month lebih dikit sii, bisa ruin everything kali ya!Well, I was trying to pray and read bible tapi susah bgt rasany untuk deket am Tuhan. Aku baca bible juga dapet nya yg aneh2 gitu..mungkin mijem tami punya kali ya!!jkjk ya uda so I think untuk cerita aja d ma temennnnn, but I dunno what happens?temen2 yg biasanya ku ajak untuk bergossippp ria..were not available semua!!yg tlpnya mati la, nda bisa di tlp la, yg lagi sibuk la whatever d!!!even temen yg I think selalu encourage me pun nda reply my massage! tadi malemmm pokoknya the worst ever my mobile connection! AND..Yg kluar lagi all (-) thinking, and it was not just about my mom now! HAHA.. aku dpt ngerasain bgt tadi malemm kyknya evil2 disebelah ku gitu want to make me to do all bad things!!so just push my self to sleep n stop thinking about that!n this mornin! I woke up without my alarm n in my heart get someone force me to pray, but I just ignore it. I'm so sleepy,I wake up at @5.30 Am, just for say Tuhan, thank you for this morning tapi today aku gak mau doa..i just want to sleep, trzzz aku tu jadi pinginnn bgt pee gitu OMG¡Kya uda jadi aku bangun mandi n langsung ke basement to warm up my brother car!trz aku puter my playlist to hear songs With all I am.. n I just praise God and pray trz aku rasa Tuhan ada beside me..n what I open first is not my bible as usual tapi my daily bread yg Roy kasihh! n aku baca for Imperfect Gifts, Not everything people give us is for our good. And of course not everything we want is good. But the situation with God is different. As Christ reminded us, loving parents do not give their children a stone rather than bread, a snake instead of a fish. And God is far more loving than our earthly parents. This doesn¡¦t mean that God¡¦s children can expect a pain free, stress free life. James tells us not only that every good gift come from our heavenly Fathers, but also that we are to "count it all joy¨ when we "Fall into various trials.¨ The testing of our "faith produces patience,¨ and the work of patience makes us "perfect and complete, lacking nothing¨ hahaha..after read this aku nangis lagi d!!! aku rasa so selfish, so immature, never thinks what if I were her..pasti aku mau dtg to see what my daughter done! Neither, my mom!
I just felt that how much their loves and care about me!!! Just so thankful I have them in this world! And what I get now is 4 massages in my phone 2 message is from Roy that said about we can do things through Christ who strengthens us¨ Merry everday because He makes all things new¨ and beautiful in its time" very happy read this massage! The other two is from my friend that just reply me now not last night and I'm so thankful dia balesny this morning kalo tadi malem kayaknya aku bakal lebih sedihhh lagi kalo baca smsnya tadi malem!!!!well just thanks for everything happens last night n this morning, eventhough it was something u don't like just be God coz he will give you more strength!!hehehe..

plaire <3


[T]oenk[t]oenk said...

Hi rin,

Thanks for sharing. Well since kita lagi dalam masa puasa, ngga cuman pas puasa doank sih, pokonya in every prayer, kamu katakan Galatia 5: 22-23a:

"22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control."

Kamu minta Tuhan agar kamu mempunyai buah roh.(Matthew 7:7-"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.")

[T]oenk[t]oenk said...
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robingun said...

rinn...kamu inget nga lagunya minggu lalu? "I still believe in miracles"

masa-masa puasa, like Bob said, itu masa yang lebih banyak serangan dr si jahat..

like the song said,"the enemies are waiting for "your" fall" and sometimes, your faith "is being shaken" but believe that God knows your situation, and He will save you in His time. Kalau burung-burung di udara aja di plihara, apa lagi kita anak-anak Tuhan.

Rin, btw, if you feel that a voice inside you asks you to pray, just leave everything and take a moment to pray. Like Bu Maria said, that is the time God wants to communicate with us.

Hope it helps and stay on fire!

Eva B said...

Rin... kalo kt lagi ada masalah yaa.. itu sebenernya jadi korban syukur kt untuk Tuhan lho :) jadi don't feel too bad when you're down.. cos God kan pernah bilank kalo hati yg hancur itu dianggap suatu persembahan yg indah di mata Tuhan.. jadi cheer up yahh ^_^