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Monday, April 14, 2008

SCHEDULE ---- Pemuridan DOA

Hi guys,

This is the schedule of "Pemuridan Doa" with Pastor Maria for this month up to the first week of next month.

We are currently fasting for 2 whole weeks (April 14-27).

How to fasting? Don't eat from your last dinner until 12 pm the next day.

What are the goals? I already emailed all of you on Sunday night. Please check your inbox. If you did not get one, please let me know so I could send it to you ^^
Can I pray for my personal goals besides the main ones?
DEFINITELY! just make a list of your personal goals, pick the urgent ones (can be more than 1) and pray for it.

Is there anything else? YES!
1. Everyday during this fasting at 10 PM, we will be pray together for the goals. Do we have to meet? NO, you can pray from your own place, only our spirit are praying together. LOL! Mantaf!
2. Write down on your journal if you get something and SHARE it on Friday.

What is DOA PUASA?
Ask me or Roy to send you the outline. We got it from Pastor Maria ^^

Ya udah ya teman-teman sekalian!

Mari kita P.U.S.H (bukan dorong-dorongan, tapi Pray Until Something Happens)!

-KIBA Oye-

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