Wah Wah Wah..
pantes aja I had the sudden urge to go to our FA blog..
pas buka blog tiba2 liat postnya erick which bener2 menegur aku..
Udah 3 hari ini aku merasa hatiku ga damai and heavy bgt without me realizing the reason why
and anehnya aku ga "solidly" bawa ke dalam doa; sometimes I remember praying about it but other times, I don't.
Aku mulai grow tired of everything gtu.. mgkn gara2 ga ada skolah, trus terlalu lama slack, jadinya it becomes a habit eventually.. have any of you felt this way before? yahh aku cuma mao quote 1 hal dr postnya erick aja:"hidup tanpa Tuhan membosankan in the long run.. hidup dengan Tuhan is always full of surprises…"
Hmm. disini aku bener2 realize kalo ini udah the 3rd time I receive the same message this week. Yg pertama was when I was praying some nights ago and a thought came to me: "hidup tanpa Tuhan tuh bosen bgt.. you'll never feel complete without Him." But I just waived it off. And then the second time was when I talked to Roy on Friday about how bored I've been; hanging out with friends, playing games, watching DVDs and the list goes on, covering everything but quiet time with God. Then, Roy suggested reading the Bible lebih banyak and worship aja kalo bosen. At that time, I promised myself to try it, tp aku males lg abis itu T_T. Well, I still read my devotion everyday and pray, tp I do it in a rush. Rasanya mana mungkin yah kt bisa cover everything in a rush?! Even studying needs our full concentration in order for it to be effective, let alone digestion of our Daily Bread (His Word). Pantes aja Tuhan tegur aku lagi today lewat postnya Erick.
God's message is: If we take our time in praying and reading the Scriptures, pasti we'll get more from God than we would have if we rushed through the process. Semakin dipikir-pikir, aku makin ngerasa sedih karena udah "abandon" Tuhan all these while. All I've given God is my leftover time.. padahal God never fails to provide us with a second-to-none service.
So, I'd like to reaffirm Erick's encouragement for all of us to rebuild our relationship with God (like David) and run after Him like never before! Kaya promosi mobil "Sit tight and enjoy the ride." hehe.. beneran mesti "sit tight" lho soalnya kan along the journey, pasti ada bumps and other obstacles, so we have to ensure that we won't be thrown out from our seats :P
Last but not least, I thank God for this blog and our FA.. :)
I am reminded once again that through our testimony, we have unknowingly make a difference in other people's lives.. so let's keep this going yah people.. God bless you!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Response to Postnya Erick Sunjaya :)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
suka dia... tidak suka dia?
Halo teman2 haha pertama kali nih ngeblog sooo tlng d maklumi yaaa kalo sedikit cupu.. kebetulan aja gw kepikiran untuk ngeshare crita ini meskipun agak sedikit dangkal but somehow gw hv the urge untuk ngeshare aja so ehemmm…
Kalian perna ga kepikiran caranya untuk mengetahui se2org suka as in cinta pada diri kalian atau tidak? tidak jelas bagaimana jalan crita2nya tapi dari jaman bapak moyang gw, kita2 isang manusia sering memetik petik petal (ga tau bhs indonya) off a flower. kaya gini lhooo: "dia suka gw (petik satu), dia ga suka gw (petik satu), dia suka gw (petik satu)...''dan seturusnya. sampai petal yg terakhir baru tau jawabanya. dan lebi anehnya lagi kalo ga suka jawabanya kadang2 kita akan memitik satu tangkai bunga lagi dan mulai dari pertama. Hahaha. Sounds familiar?
Gw kadang mikir apa yang akan terjadi kalau cinta kasih Tuhan kepada kita juga dengan rupa demikian? Kita d ajarkan dan d jelaskan bahwa Tuhan cinta kita dengan loyal, bijaksana dan selama2nya (Lamentations 3:22-23). Tetapi, jujur aja cinta kasih kita ke Tuhan selalu ga tetap dan tidak menentu. Suatu hari kita suka memuji2 menyembah2 Tuhan, dan suatu hari lagi kita pikir Tuhan telah mengecewakan kita. Ga fair kan bagi Tuhan? Memang kejadian seperti ini lumayan sering bagi diri gw. Sampai2 gw terlalu senang dan egoistic gw tidak even berdoa atau inget Namanya. Memang mengecewakan sekali tapi Erick juga manusia!!!
Gw recently baru saja terpukul dengan alasan dari kejadian yang demikian. Bahwa adalah kita salah interpretasi apa artinya “cinta’’. Kita sering kali memakai kata cinta hanya dalam hal romantis dalam menyukai selain jenis (hopefully). Tetapi kita juga harus sadar hubungan kita sama Tuhan jg harus sepeti itu. setia dan selama2nya, jangan sampai (habis manis sepanya d buang) kalo lagi memang deket dan memerlukan d dekat2kan saja tetapi kita harus pastikan hubungan itu akan lasts forever. Dan penting juga, hubungan itu harus makin lama makin maju, makin menyukai, tidak ngebosenin. kadang2 kalian even harus get out of the box and step out of your comfort zone to grow spiritually.
Thankfully, cinta kasih kita kepada Tuhan tidak perlu d adjust atau setel pada hari2 tertuntu. Mencitai Dia adalah option kita. Kalau sebagian dari kalian masi sering bingung masi sering metak metik petal dari bunga2 kepada Tuhan Yesus, cobalah lebi terbuka kepada Tuhan dalam mengexpresi kan cinta kasih dan kepercayaan yang dari hati kepada dia. Kalian pasti terkejut betapa cepatnya pahala yang akan d curahkan kepada engkau.
In the wake of kiamat fever, gw baru2 ini tebangun lagi nih (bukan gara2 takut ga di rapture). karna gw kangen banget sama masa2 gw masi on fire pas masi di singapur.. bedanya I say its within explanation... hidup tanpa Tuhan membosankan in the long run.. hidup dengan Tuhan is always full of surprises… ayolah kawan2 marilah kita kejar Tuhan Yesus!
Some random thoughts:
Take some time to evaluate your love for God. Is it based on your feelings or on the facts you know to be true about Him? In what ways do you express your love for Him?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
always be happy =)
Ecclesiastes 7:14
When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider:
God has made the one as well as the other.
Therefore, a man cannot discover anything about his future.
I found this really, really encouraging verse a while back when I was down with chickenpox, didn't have anywhere to go (expect my bed & bathroom), had to endure eating not-so-appetizing food (well, not all ^^) and thus, had to put all my 'big' plans on hold..
but, here I am now =D in a new house, healthy again (although I have to watch Eva kena tular hehehe), and realizing that indeed my sickness itu brings abundant blessings.
Maybe aku belon sempet share karna males ngeblog (panjang nulisnya hehehe)
Tapi, What I got from this verse is really powerful..
In that there lies something beautiful behind everything!
and sungguh2, pikiran & plans Tuhan are beyond what we can fathom..
personally for me, the chickenpox was like a STOP sign from God. prior to that, I made a lot of plans bla bla bla.. about my studies, my internship, had all of these worldly expectations about making money (hahahahhaha.. madut yaa!). but, in a blink of an eye... all went missing gitu ajaaa.. just because of one thing. of course, i was initially devastated, but Robin reminded me to keep giving thanks and staying joyful :) and it works! we got to move into my new house now -of which the approval process was so excruciating & superduper loong winded & difficult- & i got an interview with Time Warner Cable just 2 weeks after they received my resume which I sent during my recovery days. I think when God closed a door (well, may be by means of an 'unwanted/bad' situation), He will open new ones... BETTER ONES! so BEHOLD of GOOD things in front of ya'll =) =) =)
maybe skrg ririn, or some of us.. well, this goes for me too,
are waiting for something good to happen or are sulking over the 'bad' things in life,
I think we all should learn to know that "God has made the one as well as the other (bad circumstances)." mungkin sesuatu yang baik itu takes time to unveil itself.. but only if we are in tune and peka enough to those good outcomes, we are able to realize them.
p.s. expect Good things from God!
James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,
who does not change like shifting shadows.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
response to ririn's post
haha... rin, gw agree waiting utk sesuatu itu gak enak--kadang2 bikin gelisah, tapi ayat yang kamu dapet itu bener banget: tuhan membuat sesuatu indah pada waktunya. mmg outcome enak--kalau sudah waktunya tuhan/temen km dr singapore jawab pasti seneng.
but before that, percaya aja rin bahwa penantian kamu itu nggak sia2. Meanwhile, life goes on. Ada temen gw pernah bilang :life is what goes on when you are busy planning... we can change the planning to waiting. it's very similar. when we plan things, we are also waiting right?
gw juga sering mengalami waiting especially waiting on/for God... but every success comes at a price: waiting is a price too. u know success is like a sweet prize and we wont get the prize until we go thru steps/challenges/competition. That is the price we pay.
Sama juga dengan waiting: i believe that waiting is BIG price, but we learn to be patient in going through the steps to claim the price :) Impian/goal/vision/dream/ambition juga sama: we need to go through all the steps to reach that dream/goal/ambition. Along the way, we make mistakes, we grow tired of waiting or we just forget about it. And that's where God comes in! He helps us at our lowest point of our lives. Not only that kita harus mengandalkan Tuhan dalam segala penantian kita--- karena masa depan kita di tangan Tuhan. Just like David when he faced Goliath, he knew and had faith that: the battle is the Lord's.
Swords and spears don't matter. if God says "you lose." You will lose, in fact you have LOST. On the other hand, if we have faith and confidence in God, in God's name, everything will be fulfilled according to His plan.
Roy G
Thursday, June 12, 2008
segala suatu indah pada waktunya
wa..it's been a while aku gak perna buka ini blog!!eitt pas baca robin punya post kok pas bgt ya dari lagu n content yg aku mau shareee hahhaa..kerenn!!aku si yg lebih kerenn..^.
aniwaee...yesterday was really my bad day..everything just went wrong!i dunno why?maybe lagi..kelaperan mungkin!here we go!!after kubu doa kmrn aku tu pinjem movies from RG hayo yg mana??roy gunawan or robin gunawan??yg pasti movies nya punya mereka la..ya!!n i dicided to wacth the comedian movie to change my mood!!this movie calls Bruce Almighty...di story itu dia selalu got bad luck and complain to God ampe drawrnya kalo di buka tu panjang bgt coz he thought God never care or listen to him! One day God speak to him!kok jad crt movie nya yachh..ya intinya from this movie aku tu bukan nya ketawa yg ada malah aku ngersa di tegur ama Tuhan!why today aku tu complain nya banyak bgt!even to very small things and i felt that night aku jadi orang kurang appreciate what i got already...after pray i slept until morning..n todae aku bgn super pagi jm 8 am..chattingg with my spore friend n i go Sate...
I said to God, knp ya setiap kali apa yg aku tunggu itu rasanya timenya never ending... it' s going to be extend extend extend and extend !!!on my spot now banyak bgt people who close to me do that to me!they never do what promise they have to me!n wht i feel tu uda bukan cape lagi tapi uda es campur!!kan enak Tuhan if what we wait tu we knoe bakal dtg nya cepat!for ex; tunggu bus, tunggu di jmpt, tunggu hari minggu n i remember tadi mlm punya prayer jgn complain huahaha...n baru tidur not more than 7 hours aku uda complain lg kacau ya!!!n i start to read my bible n amazingly what i get is pengkhotbah 3:1-15 "untuk segala sesuatu ada waktunya" n i really love di verse 11 : Ia membuat segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya, bahkan Ia memberikan kekekalan dalam hati mereka. Tetapi manusia tidak dapat menyelami pekerjaan yg dilakukan Allah dari awal sampai akhir.
i just thank God, everytime Tuhan yg tunggu aku, dengerin aku, and temenin aku!maybe if i open my drawer kalah panjang ama punya si bruce n kalo aku check email nya Tuhan i believed banyak bgt doa2 dari people who close to me so today i what i get akhir suatu hal itu lebih baik dari awal, kita harus panjang sabar and jgn suka marah2 dalam hati!!thank you all
enjoy your summer holiday!!!
plaire <3>
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Gembala kita =)
Hi teman2 ku, aku mau share satu lagu yang menunjukan bahwa kita tidak pernah sendiri di setiap langkah kita. Selalu ada Bapa yang mendampingi kita dan yang telah menyediakan apa yang terbaik bagi kita semua :)
Takkan Pernah Sendiri
Saat kau jatuh dan terluka
Hidup hampa kau rasa
Jangan pernah takut dan menyerah
Karna Aku pernah merasakanya
Saat kau sendiri menanti
Harapan yang tak pasti
Janganlah kau bimbang menjalani
Karna semua pernah Aku lalui
Bulu yang patah terkulai
Takkan pernah di patakkan
Sumbu yang pudar dan laya
Takkan pernah di padamkan
Sadarilah bahwa kau takkan pernah sendiri
Ada Yesus yang selalu peduli
Tuhan tak pernah tinggalkan
Dia s'lalu perhatikan
Many times, kita pikir: Tuhan itu sempurna, mana mungkin Dia tahu apa yang aku rasakan saat ini? He is too perfect and holy to know what I am going through.
Teman2, di situlah kita salah. Tuhan telah mengutus Yesus ke dunia sebagai juruselamat. Dia menjalani hidupNya seperti kita semua, sebagai manusia biasa tetapi yang empunya hubungan yang dahsyat eratnya bersama Bapa.
Mungkin kalian pernah dikecewakan sama teman2 atau keluarga. Mungkin kalian juga pernah di sakitin sama mereka. Mungkin kalian merasa tidak dapat melewati masalah di hidup kalian. Mungkin juga, kalian merasa di tolak (reject) sama orang-orang di sekeliling kalian. Tetapi bersama Tuhan, tiada yang mustahil.
Yesus sendiri di khianati sama Judas. Yesus juga di tinggalkan sama murid-muridnya yang berjanji untuk menemani Dia di saat Dia di tangkap sama prajurit-prajurit Romawi. Yesus sendiri juga pernah di cobai iblis berkali-kali. Dan Yesus sendirilah yang ditolak oleh orang2 di Nazaret, di mana Dia lahir. Tetapi apakah rahasia Tuhan Yesus untuk melewati pencobaan dan tetap mengampuni mereka yang bersalah kepada Dia?
Jawaban hanya ada satu: Firman Tuhan. Look at Matthew 4. Setiap kali Dia di cobai oleh iblis, Dia mengucapkan Firman Tuhan untuk menangkis serangan dari iblis dan menguatkan iman Dia. Look at how many times He used "it is written". Yesus juga menanam buah roh saat dia mengampuni yang bersalah kepada Dia.
Friends, I hope through this song, you will have greater strength to face your daily challenges. Know that God knows the problem you are going through and as Psalms 23 said, He will guide you through.
Satu lagu lagi: =)
Gada-Mu dan tongkat-Mu, itulah yang menemani setiap langkahku - Mazmur 23:4
Have a good summer all!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Hello guys,
Since I won't be in FA for a while.. I wanna keep up with sharing disini yah :)
Aku baru baca post Agnes and poem yg ttg footprints on the sand and I realize that in our lives, Tuhan itu bener2 magnificent bgt.. Bener2 ga ada relationship yg bisa seindah relationship sama Tuhan.. :) I didn't think of that before, but now that I'm forced to stay home due to chickenpox, I'm beginning to realize so many things which I had overlooked before.
Waktu aku lagi mikir aja kenapa koq bisa yah sakit.. padahal I'm in the middle of my finals man!! Udah gtu, I've already planned my going back to Indo on June 11th, right after I'm done with my last paper.. I've signed up for orientation juga di UCLA in August.. but in the end, Tuhan sendiri yg campur tangan. Pertama-tama, yah of course aku ngerasa shock juga and disappointed.. not with God, but more with myself, soalnya I didn't make a careful decision about the orientation date.. aku salah pilih tanggal and akhirnya dah ga bisa ganti lagi gara2 penuh gtu session yg July.. abis itu, aku juga gak jaga badanku during the finals wk.. I stayed up till 4-5am gtu after only 4 hours of sleeping dr jem 9pm-1am.. Bener juga kalo dipikir-pikir, God wants me to rest. Seperti yg Ko Ronald and Kenji sharing last Friday, Tuhan kadang2 memang mau kita beristirahat dalam Dia. Even God rested on the 7th day kan.. :)
Also, with my sickness.. I didn't think of this as a bad luck anymore. In fact, I feel more than blessed because by staying home,
1) Lebih banyak waktu belajar buat Bio ku yg overwhelming bgt materialsnya (Finalsku especially di postpone ke last wk of June.. puji Tuhan!),
2) Karena skrg sakit, jadi aku postpone flightku ke July and I can go for the July orientation, which gives me more choices buat klas2 yg mao aku ambil ntar di uni,
3) Ada waktu to really sleep and rest :)
4) More time to devote myself to God
Ada ayat yg bilang:
“Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” (Psalm 90:2,4)
I feel that this verse bener2 meaningful cos it reminds me of His magnificence dari dulu even before we are here, so I believe Tuhan juga yg take charge of what we're going through and what's gonna happen. So, rest assured, journey with God is gonna be joyful!
The question is "ARE WE UP TO IT?"
Have fun walking with God throughout this wk :)
p.s. one good news nih ttg our friend:
Congrats yahh stef! hehee.. nothing is impossible kan! :D
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
my blog =)
Hey all,
Just wanna inform you guys that I have set up a blog that I am dedicating to Biblical passages.
Hope you could visit it some time and be a blessing for you too :)