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Sunday, June 15, 2008

response to ririn's post

haha... rin, gw agree waiting utk sesuatu itu gak enak--kadang2 bikin gelisah, tapi ayat yang kamu dapet itu bener banget: tuhan membuat sesuatu indah pada waktunya. mmg outcome enak--kalau sudah waktunya tuhan/temen km dr singapore jawab pasti seneng.

but before that, percaya aja rin bahwa penantian kamu itu nggak sia2. Meanwhile, life goes on. Ada temen gw pernah bilang :life is what goes on when you are busy planning... we can change the planning to waiting. it's very similar. when we plan things, we are also waiting right?

gw juga sering mengalami waiting especially waiting on/for God... but every success comes at a price: waiting is a price too. u know success is like a sweet prize and we wont get the prize until we go thru steps/challenges/competition. That is the price we pay.

Sama juga dengan waiting: i believe that waiting is BIG price, but we learn to be patient in going through the steps to claim the price :) Impian/goal/vision/dream/ambition juga sama: we need to go through all the steps to reach that dream/goal/ambition. Along the way, we make mistakes, we grow tired of waiting or we just forget about it. And that's where God comes in! He helps us at our lowest point of our lives. Not only that kita harus mengandalkan Tuhan dalam segala penantian kita--- karena masa depan kita di tangan Tuhan. Just like David when he faced Goliath, he knew and had faith that: the battle is the Lord's.

Swords and spears don't matter. if God says "you lose." You will lose, in fact you have LOST. On the other hand, if we have faith and confidence in God, in God's name, everything will be fulfilled according to His plan.


Roy G

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