haloo semuanyaaa =)
how are you all doing this past holidays?
mesti smuanyaa berpisah.. ada yg d indo, singapore, amrik.. tp i believe kita smua masih remember each other & Jesus of course .. hehe
aku sendiri d indo lg seneng2 nihhh.. tiap hari kerjanya jalan2, les chinese + keyboard (my new toy heehee), chatting, ntn drama... n menyempatkan diri utk refreshing (sebenranya selaluu sihh hehe)
More than I realize,,,
Things change everyday... whether we like it or not...
sebentar lagi, i may get a new roommate, coz rere mau pindah ke riverside T____T hiks!!!!
well ya, tadi I was reading my comic book..
eittt.. n dun think that reading comic thu ga berguna, coz I learn some things from this particular book, very important things about life indeed.
komiknya sih tentang friendships & love life nya anak SMP gituu...
n a bit extreme gituu character anak2nyaa, tp i think yaaa. mgkn itu emang gambaran asli nya humans yaa, hmm.. tepatnya teman2 di sekitar kita.
ada yang juteeeekkk bangeeettt (tapi sbnrnya mrk thu org yg kesepian & perlu perhatian), ada yg kaleemm & cinta damai jg (tp kalo marahh garangg..) hahaha.. trs ada juga anak yg pendiem, rajin bljr & slalu turut mamanya (who knows nyatanya dia itu benci mamanya & have desire to kill people).. and the main character of this book is a very playful, lively, smart & positive girll.... (tp ternyata she has had a terrible past.. karna dia anak yatim piatu gitu yang diangkat mamanya) and.. ternyata dia gitu2 jg sbnrnya di hati nya bnyk kesedihan... Interesting ya, that we, a creation of God, bisa have such contrasting personalities at the same time.. and tetapi ujung2nya, all these characters are striving to be happy.
well, what I mean is that..
there is a reason behind everything, including how people behave. Justifically speaking, their behaviors are attributed by how they are/were treated by people and how their lives are/have been. semuanyaa thu ada reason nyaa.. n what I learnt from it is that, if we want to just take a step forward and understand org surrounding kt yg mgkn always been misunderstood or krg menyenangkan sikapnya & give them some LOOOOVEEEEE.. (dengan nada keren! hahaha) pasti thuuu kt bisa akhirnya ngeliat kebaikan nya org lain itu...
the comic book also pictures how we each need others (God, friends, family) , all it takes is one person to change one's character & life loohh..
dan aku bersyukur when I feel that the world has turned its back on me, God is always there =D and alangkah baiknyaa yaaa, if i can only pass on the same warmth & love to one of those people who needs them ehehehehehe
dan sbnrnya Tuhan juga menciptakan kita sbagai creation yang perlu live & grow in a community, not just by ourselves. even though we think that it is sometimes safer to close ourselves, tp sapa tauu kita bisa lebih when we are open with each other yaaa hehehe
Personally speaking, ini smua I think kind of what God wants me to learn kalii yaaa..
berhubung I always get those verses about "loving others", "having the right heart for God", "to become a caring church" kaya daah more than 5 times kaliii pas aku buka daily bread... hahahahahahahahhahaa.
I know that aku perlu kasih Tuhan utk mengasihi org lain, tp prakteknya ga gampang yaaa.. hehe butuh waktu + extra patience yaaa hehehe.
Looking back, I think I kinda regret the times I could have been better with a friend or just a stranger, yet I chose not to be (sengaja ato ga sengaja).. hauhauhauahuaa.. =( kacaww yaa.
and jujur ajaa.. aku salut sih ama the main character in the comic yg despite her young age, belajar ngertiin org bit by bit, and still loves all of them at the end of each painfull process. hehehe
tp aku seneng that I come to realize at this point, the real point behind loving each other gituu..
sebenarnya itu smua will make us a complete person!!
well.. it's never too late to changee, karna God will make everything beautiful in His time yess!!
As it is said,
but also for the interests of others"
Phil 2:4
1 John 4:7
Let's do just that & start from the closest person around u! =)
God bless youuu all.
P.S. judul komiknya: Kodocha Child's Play
1 comment:
panjang juga tapi penuh magna semua hehehe
bener nov..to love means to understand..we cannot love the
people around us if we don't
understand all that they've been
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