HI friends,
post ini jg sedikit mengarahh ke erick pny post.. hehehe aku br aja masukkk n was surprised to see his post. and also that it was kinda the answer to my prayers this past week. =D
hmmm... sometimes emang bener aku sendiri masih terkadang maless saat teduh, malahan milih nonton online, or read comics.. and I choose to leave our God who has been so ever faithful =(
tp td pagi. I was doing some light bible reading.. heehee.. trs juga baca "our daily bread".. n as sometimes, I would just flip it open n see what's in it for me todayy..
and ternyata it was really the answer to my prayers.. yg berisi ttg gmn caranya untuk keep doing the work that lay ahead of me.. especially untuk caring for the souls of people yg telah Tuhan percayakan kpd grj/FA.. ini sempet bikin aku pusing sihh for a week.. it keeps bugging me and tugging at my heart gituu n buat aku perasaanya ga damai.. hehehe
Baca dhe John 21: 15-17, ceritanya ttg when Jesus asked Peter whether He loved Jesus three consecutive times.
In John 21: 17, it says: "Do you love Me?... feed My sheep." Why... instead of asking Peter if he loved His sheep,does Jesus asked whether Peter loved Him?
It says that the questions was asked "to underscore the essential truth that only love for Christ would sustain Peter in the work that lay ahead -- that arduous, demanding work of caring for people's souls -- perhaps the hardest work of all."
What I learned from this particular excerpt is that "affection for God's people in itself will not sustain us." because kadang we will meet with situations that will leave us discouraged, or even devastated. But, the love of Christ is "the only sufficient motivation that will enable us to stay the course, to continue to feed the flock of God."
So kalo hari2 ini you are like me, somehow feel discouraged in guiding people to Christ,
just come back to our for Him ajaaa, spt yg Erick & Eva bilang... hehehe.
karena if we love Christ, His love will flow through us, and it will compel us to be able to love others.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
eloo nobuu yea i know what has been going on over the past few days/weeks and God knows too. He sees your efforts and trust me, He will bless you for them. Sometimes the journey is not smooth but I am sure, as children of God, we don't fit the description "when the going gets tough, the tough gets going".
Persevere nov and you will reap the rewards!
thankyou novaa.
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