I believe every one of us here have had good and bad experiences in the past. The good ones no doubt leave us with sweet memories; the bad ones, however, are those that we must be cautious of. If we are not careful, whatever is history could change the path of our future.
Many people like to brood over the past, thinking, “if only, ten years ago, I...” or “if only I had...” On the other hand, there are also those with a slightly different but equally detrimental problem; the problem of what if’s. They look to the future challenges ahead and think, “what if it fails?” or “what if it ends in a disappointment?”.They fully know that they are more then able to conquer challenges ahead, yet this insecurity prevents them from fulfilling their potential.
Joseph - Sold & Imprisoned
If there’s one man in the Bible who had cause for distress or depression, that man is Joseph. He was abandoned and sold as a slave by his brothers, and wrongly imprisoned by Potifar for something he did not do. However, he never complained to God by saying, “Lord! Why did this happen to me, Lord? I thought You loved me and yet You allowed this to happen! Why, oh why, Lord? If only You had rained fire and brimstones the second they sold me this wouldn’t have happened, Lord!”
Not only did Joseph not complain but when the time came for him to meet his brothers, he had nothing but love and compassion for them. He said to them, “But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you
sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.” [Gen 45:5]There wasn’t a hint of resentment in this man’s words! In fact, he told his brothers not to condemn themselves!
Joseph - Promoted as Governor
After the many years of tribulation, Joseph was finally promoted to be a governor of Egypt. Now, let us imagine for a minute. This man was enslaved, imprisoned and cut off from all forms of social contact for so many years. As a ruler, his job is to manage and oversee the people and resources of his land. This man had no formal training in people man- agement or any form of business education and yet, he was chosen for a post in which both sets of skills are re- quired.
But, Joseph never doubted, nor did he ever have thoughts such as, “Lord, what if these people look down on me? What if I fail terribly and fail this nation?” Instead, he caused Egypt to prosper in times of famine and even provide
food for nations surrounding them [Gen 41:57]! Praise the Lord!
Thought of the Week
Friends, God can turn your bier waters into sweet wine, if you believe.
And who God promotes, no one can demote! Amen!
Amen! Thanks for sharing this bean. Br td aku pny pemikiran.. "gmana kl ntr blk indo, tmn2 ngeremehin aku dll" but pas aku iseng2 liat blog, kebaca postmu.. yg aku dapet sih bener2 kalo Tuhan bisa turn the dirty water into sweet wine. hehe.. it's a cool reminder. xie xie beanie! Gbu!
glad that it helped va hehe :)
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