Have you ever felt real busy in your life? It is as if your whole day is already packed with to-do’s and there is no time for breaks.
But, do you know that being busy with your own tasks is not what Jesus wants you to do? Jesus performed many miracles and accomplished many within a 3-year span before He was crucified; no doubt He was a very busy man going from city to city and ministering to the people. Still, He doesn’t want us to hinge the satisfaction of our day on how much we accomplish. Rather, He wants us to do the one thing that is needful, which is to sit at His feet and receive from Him!
Friends, God wants us to eat from the Bread of life (Jesus) [John 6:35] and be refreshed! And that refreshment will empower us to go about doing what needs to be done for the day!
The Story of Martha & Mary
One day, Jesus visited the home of Martha and Mary, two sisters who are friends of His.
Now, what should we do when a visitor comes over to our home? Our instincts will tell us to prepare refresh- ments and make our guests as comfortable as possible. That is ex- actly what Martha did. She did what was customary by serving her guest, Jesus. However, take a look at what Mary did. Not only did
she not help Martha in preparations, but she was having a conversa- tion with the guest! Imagine Jesus’ fatigue after all He had done throughout the day; yet, she still wanted Jesus to speak with her! She did not minister to Jesus, but wanted Jesus to minister to her!
Many of us would think that what Mary did was inconsiderate because she should have allowed Jesus to rest and recuperate. Martha, just like many of us (if we were in her shoes), was naturally unhappy with Mary; not only did Mary not help with the prepara- tions, but she disturbed the guest too!
However, Jesus never rebuked Mary for what she did; instead, He told Martha that Mary had chosen the one thing needed, which is
the good part which will not be taken away from her [Luke 10:42].
Lessons Learnt
Jesus wants to minister to us because that is where He gets His refreshing! A tired Jesus visited a woman at a well in Samaria one day and ministered to her. He was immediately refreshed and His disciples were amazed! And all
He told His disciples was this, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” [John 4:32]. Hallelujah! Friends, Jesus receives His food from ministering to us, and He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!
Amen! Let us all strive to be like Mary, who puts God first before anything else and receive our refreshment from our
loving Savior. Sing a song or two before we start our day, and be in a constant prayer “mode” as we go about doing our activities for the day!
Thought of the Week: Be refreshed as you do the one thing needed for the day!
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