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Friday, November 6, 2009

BenjaminGen Devotional: The sun never fails to shine :)

Hey peeps! This is supposedly last week's devotional hehe sorry kl telat yaa.. God bless you!

The sun shines everyday

Have you ever taken some time to look at the behavioral paern of the sun? This has never come across my mind before until one day, I received wisdom from the Spirit as I was driving to church. I just felt the Holy Spirit teaching me this:

The sun doesn’t care what day of the week it is; it still shines every day, from Monday to Sunday! Granted, there may be rainy days where the sun is covered by dark clouds. But, the sun is always there! The

presence of the dark clouds doesn’t change the fact that they sun is always shining every single day!

Jesus - the Man unmoved by circumstance

If there’s one man in the Bible who resembles the sun, that man is Jesus. No maer what situation He was in, His light will always shine through. Whenever He passed by the sick, He never fails to heal them. A woman with an is- sue of blood for 12 years? A man bound by leprosy for 18 years?No problem for Jesus! In an instant, they were completely healed! Jesus’ triumph over the curse of this fallen world is independent of His surroundings, but is de- pendent on who He is! The healer isn’t shaken by the different kinds of diseases, but every disease falls under the healer! He is just like the sun, whose light shines brightly every morning regardless of which day it is!

Granted, there are times when we can’t see the sun’s rays because of the dark clouds. But, the sun still shines (albeit behind the clouds). At the end of the day, no maer how heavy the rain is, we will always see the sun’s rays when the rain stops. This is exactly what happened when the waves came crashing in against the boat of Jesus and His disciples. No maer how ferocious the waves are, they had to obey the orders of the Prince of Peace. Why? Be- cause the Prince of Peace had peace that was much more domineering than the ferocity of the waves!

Beloved, your circumstances change according to what’s in you! Just like how Jesus calmed the storms that came crash- ing in, He will do the same for you! Allow Him to dwell in your inner being, and see you outward circumstances change! Hallelujah!

Thought of the Week: With Jesus in you, you WILL have dominion over your circumstances!

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