Hey teman2 yang tercinta,
How are you? I pray you're doing all right, through it all. Tengkiu untuk teman2 and my bro untuk sharing lewat blog ini - it takes courage to pour out your problems and feelings here. This morning, my purpose of writing this short message is to strengthen all of you.
When all things crumble around you, when nothing seems to be "okay" at this present moment, when you feel you've been attacked by people / the devil, when you can't finish your work, when you're bored, when you're tired, when you're sick, when you're exhausted, broken down, destroyed, depressed, sad, sad... very very sad... Go on your knees before God, and surrender YOURSELF to Him.
You will know He is there for you, He is always by your side. He will console you, pat you in the back and say "hey, it's okay eva" "hey it's ok ririn" "it's ok kiky" "it's ok robin"... "there is a time for everything under the sky".. "time to be sad, to rejoice." Bad times will pass- according to YOUR FAITH. Have faith my friends.
Jesus As Our Capstone
Remember that Jesus Christ is the foundation of our faith in God, faith in achieving the impossible, faith in breaking through. Remember He is the capstone - the stone that supports all others in a building. Without this capstone, like a building that's reduced to the ground during an earthquake, you and your faith is baseless.
But many of you believe in Jesus, which is the first step in building a solid foundation of your faith. Then, it doesn't just stop there. You gotta believe He can do the impossible - He can turn around your situations and do the impossible. Can he raise the dead? ABSOLUTELY. Can he heal the broken hearted? ABOSULETELY. Is HE bigger than your problems? ABSOULTELY. So, likewise, God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit will NEVER ABANDON YOU.
Jesus said, "I will be with you through the end of days." HAHA, rejoice my friends! As long as Jesus is with you, I assure you you're WINNERS with peace and joy abounding you (following you).
Your Mind as the Greatest Obstacle
We've talked a lot about our mind, and being positive. I understand it's not easy - that's why you guys fast. It makes it easier. Fasting suppresses your desires and builds up your character because it makes you stronger in God when you are weak. Why did I say that? Because when you fast, pray, sing to God, You draw closer to God - your source of strength and hope. THis is VERY IMPORTANT my friend. Do not focus on your problems - do not always think of solutions to your problem (becoz the reality is there is no perfect solution to a problem... ever.. in most cases).
Focus on drawing closer to Jesus, whom you are walking with so that you gain strength and consolation in Him. "Come you all who are thirsty and wear".. " and I will give you rest." BEar that in mind my friend, positive thinking is not easy, it requires a lot of practice. Anyone can think positively because they have a drive - a motto - a reason to think positive. For Steve Jobs it's not wanting to look back to the past. For Joel Osteen, it's glorifying God.
What's your drive? Let it be for Jesus and yourself...