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Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday Madness

Happy Monday guys, I know most of you will b busy today, just like a typical Monday morning, while me and my USC friends are having our spring break! YAY! anyway, aku mau encourage kalian untuk tetap dekat dengan Tuhan. Baca and renungkan Firman Tuhan, a.ka THE BIBLE, siang dan malam (that means at least twice a day and "you can do it before your meal prayer").

Blog Posts

Keep the blog posts coming yah :) All of you are doing a fantastic job at keeping up with the posts. Hey! You will benefit by reading Ririn, Nova, Eva, Robin's posts. Dan juga aku mau encourage kalian yang belum post any entry to do it... RIGHT AWAY! But make sure your posts are legit.

Wednesday Prayer

Bagi kalian yang bisa datang, hari Rabu ini (19 March) aku mau ajak kalian untuk doa bareng2 at about 8pm. Details will be released soon.

Kebaktian Youth

I know many, MANY of you have been waiting for this to happen, right? Yesterday, we got the green light to organize a youth service HERE IN WEST LA!!!!! on the 3rd of May or a week before that. We'll talk about this on Wednesday and Friday.

Counselling, Prayer Request, etc

Kalau kalian butuh dukungan doa, counselling, advice. Call me (Roy) or email me. I'm very available this week. And my prayer for all of you: that you keep Growing in CHRIST and be on FIRE, and serving Him with zeal and hunger.

Take care. * Please keep this post above the others.

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