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Monday, October 13, 2008

A Trust

A reflection on Purpose Driven Life - Day 5.

Life is a Trust.

This is the life that God has entrusted us with. He has prepared for us everything that we need ahead of time, none of them that we deserve. It is only by His goodness and faithfulness that He has given us health, wealth, wisdom and everything good in life. However, life on earth is only temporary and as such, everything that we have here, we don't actually own them - God has lent them to us. They aren't only obvious material possessions, but are inclusive of your relationships, friends, families, time and money.

Our God has put us in charge of managing everything that He has given us. He wants us to... manage our relationships, time and money, among other things, well. As good managers, we have to be careful of handling our possessions. So friends, whenever you feel like wasting your time, money and even ending a friendship with someone, remember that they have been given to us for a reason, and we are not to take them for granted. For everything that we do, have their implications in eternity.

So friends, be good managers and manage your life well! As the saying goes, "one life, live it."

Have a great Purpose Driven Life Campaign! =)

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