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Saturday, September 26, 2009

BenjaminGen Devotional: Where sin abounds, Grace superabounds!

Hey all! Here's this week's devotional. Click on the image to view it in a much bigger resolution (2000+ x 2000+ pixels) blessed!

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Many of us are aware of our own weaknesses. We know there are areas that we must change but we just don’t believe that we can ever improve on those areas.Friends, without your realization, we have already sinned by doubting!

Sin is not just commiing adultery, cheating and murder, but the Bible says that whatever is not of faith is sin

[Romans 14:23]. But we wonder, how is it that even in the midst of our disbelief, God’s goodness and favor still rains on us? Because God’s economy is:

Where your sin abounds, God’s grace will superabound in that area!

God wants to us be conscious of Him and not sin conscious. He wants us to be aware of His greatness and not of our shortcomings. Friends, in actual fact, the bigger your problem, the easier it is for God to solve! Don’t be- lieve? Let’s look at famous miracle Jesus performed that was mentioned in the Bible.

The Story of the 5 & 7 loaves of Bread

Have you ever heard of the story of Jesus feeding the multitude with 5 loaves of bread (& 2 fish)? Do you also know that He performed the same miracle (for another multitude) with 7 breads (& a few lile fish)?

In Matthew 15 (v.32-39), Jesus fed the multitude of 4,000 men, not counting the women and children, with 7 loaves of bread and a few lile fish, and there were 7 bas- kets full leftover! In Matthew 14 (v.13-21), Jesus fed an- other multitude of 5,000 men, not counting the women and children. But this time, He did it with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish,and there were 12 baskets full of lefto- ver!

Do you see that it took Jesus 7 loaves of bread to feed the 4,000, but only 5 loaves of bread to feed the 5,000? Hallelujah! God is saying that, the bigger mess you are in, the easier it is actually for Him to handle!

Friends, no maer how big of a problem or struggle you are in, nothing will beat His greatness! Hallelujah!

Thought of the Week

Don’t look at how big your problem is...instead,

Look at how big our God is! Amen!

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