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Friday, September 25, 2009

He Counted the Stars, Every Single One

Psalm 19 :1-3
“The heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the works of his hands. Day after day the pour forth speech and night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. “

Who rules the heavens?

Have you ever been camping and gazed up at the stars as you lay in your sleeping bag on a moonless night? What did you think? Did the number of stars blow your mind? Have you ever tried to count them? I always quit around one hundred because my brain starts hurting.

Did you know that God has each star named and knows the exact number of stars? “He determines the number of stars and calls them each by name.” (Psalm 147:4) Let’s look at how many stars there actually are so you can grasp God’s awesome power. Earth is found in a galaxy called the Milky Way. (No, it’s not a candy bar.) If you look into the sky on a moonless, cloudless night, you can identify the Milky Way. It resembles a blurry, misty, cloud of lights crowded together, kind of milky in appearance. The Milky Way contains millions of galaxies. All of these galaxies together have over trillions of stars. And God has them all named and counted. Wow!

Have you heard of the Bear, the Pleiades and the Orion in Greek mythology? Well, the Bible talks about God making the Orion. (Job 9:7-9) To this day, astronomers study and talk about these stars. What a pity that so many of them don’t know the God who created them!

Hold on to you seatbelt, because there’s more mind -boggling information coming! Billions of other galaxies exist. The light from many of those galaxies takes millions of years to get to earth. And each galaxy contains trillions of stars. Again, God has them all named and counted. Wouldn’t you think God would run out of names?

There’s an important fact about God contained in all these numbers. If God is meticulous enough to count and name each star, then surely things on earth must be a piece of cake to Him, especially your life. The intelligence, wisdom and power demonstrated by God’s care of the stars should give you great hope and peace. He knew about you before the foundation of the world. God is not a weak, pathetic, gutless God. He is all-powerful, awesome, almighty, all-knowing, everlasting, compassionate, and His love never ends.

Think about this verse: Psalm 108:4 “For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens.”

Today’s Prayer:

Dear Father, help me to look at the stars and be amazed by your handiwork. I praise you for your awesome power, and for providing such incredible proof of your greatness in the heavens. Thank you for proclaiming your love to me through the stars. Amen.

Written by Anne Parker, Flagstaff Arizona.
source :

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