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Monday, June 30, 2008

Response to Postnya Erick Sunjaya :)

Wah Wah Wah..
pantes aja I had the sudden urge to go to our FA blog..
pas buka blog tiba2 liat postnya erick which bener2 menegur aku..
Udah 3 hari ini aku merasa hatiku ga damai and heavy bgt without me realizing the reason why
and anehnya aku ga "solidly" bawa ke dalam doa; sometimes I remember praying about it but other times, I don't.
Aku mulai grow tired of everything gtu.. mgkn gara2 ga ada skolah, trus terlalu lama slack, jadinya it becomes a habit eventually.. have any of you felt this way before? yahh aku cuma mao quote 1 hal dr postnya erick aja:

"hidup tanpa Tuhan membosankan in the long run.. hidup dengan Tuhan is always full of surprises…"
Hmm. disini aku bener2 realize kalo ini udah the 3rd time I receive the same message this week. Yg pertama was when I was praying some nights ago and a thought came to me: "hidup tanpa Tuhan tuh bosen bgt.. you'll never feel complete without Him." But I just waived it off. And then the second time was when I talked to Roy on Friday about how bored I've been; hanging out with friends, playing games, watching DVDs and the list goes on, covering everything but quiet time with God. Then, Roy suggested reading the Bible lebih banyak and worship aja kalo bosen. At that time, I promised myself to try it, tp aku males lg abis itu T_T. Well, I still read my devotion everyday and pray, tp I do it in a rush. Rasanya mana mungkin yah kt bisa cover everything in a rush?! Even studying needs our full concentration in order for it to be effective, let alone digestion of our Daily Bread (His Word). Pantes aja Tuhan tegur aku lagi today lewat postnya Erick.

God's message is: If we take our time in praying and reading the Scriptures, pasti we'll get more from God than we would have if we rushed through the process. Semakin dipikir-pikir, aku makin ngerasa sedih karena udah "abandon" Tuhan all these while. All I've given God is my leftover time.. padahal God never fails to provide us with a second-to-none service.

So, I'd like to reaffirm Erick's encouragement for all of us to rebuild our relationship with God (like David) and run after Him like never before! Kaya promosi mobil "Sit tight and enjoy the ride." hehe.. beneran mesti "sit tight" lho soalnya kan along the journey, pasti ada bumps and other obstacles, so we have to ensure that we won't be thrown out from our seats :P

Last but not least, I thank God for this blog and our FA.. :)
I am reminded once again that through our testimony, we have unknowingly make a difference in other people's lives.. so let's keep this going yah people.. God bless you!

1 comment:

{Roy}!G said...

hi eva, thanks for the post! semoga berjuang dalam Tuhan terus ya! bener kata kamu, bersama Tuhan itu exciting! Keep on fire yeh! rmbr Tuhan selalu menunggu untuk kita mengambil langkah pertama untuk datang ke Tuhan :)